Airfield Information
Position 5nm SSE Bath Lat/Long 51:18.6 N 002:18.6 W Elevation: 400ft amsl.
Bristol Listening Squawk 5077 Bristol Radar 125.65
Radio Standard calls on Safetycom 135.480
09/27 Grass 550m x 30m. Displaced threshold to yellow cones on 25 (LDA 440m)
15/33 Grass 460m x 15m Displaced threshold to yellow cones on 33 (LDA 360m)
Operational procedures
Brown Shutters farm is a challenging airfield so note cautions in red.
Short strip experience on similar aircraft and >100 hours P1.
PPR mandatory using online form, and by phone if within 24 hours.
All movements to be recorded in log when paying landing fee.
800 ft QFE.
09LH/27RH Circuits to north, avoiding areas shown in red.
33RH/15LH Circuits to east, avoiding areas shown in red.
Visiting pilots to join overhead at 1500ft QFE. Standard calls on Safetycom. Callsign “Brown Shutters Farm”.
Accuracy of this data cannot be guaranteed; pilots operate at their own risk.
Short runways need skill and suitable aircraft. Note in particular the LDAs on 27 and 33.
Because of power cables and up-slopes on first 100m of 27 and 33 use displaced thresholds (marked with yellow cones).
Beware trees on finals for 09 and 15.
When lining up on 15 and 27 note that vehicles may be hidden beyond humps.
Beware track across 27 at the intersection. `There may be farm vehicles.
Beware marked blue helipads as rotary traffic is increasing. They also use safetycom.
Beware marked helipads as rotary traffic now increasing.
Noise Abatement:
Except after unavoidable go-around, no repeat circuits allowed.
Avoid all red zones unless for safety reasons.
Use optional 27 approach procedures to avoid Farleigh Hungerford. This means either a descending turn on right base or offset final to the south (see map and photo).
When departing 09 turn left when safely airborne to avoid Farleigh Hungerford.
Helicopters are not permitted except in emergencies.